Oracle的SPARC t7 - 1服务器是一个单处理器系统,它使组织能够以相比其他方案更低的成本、更高的安全性和性能来响应IT需求。它是理想的企业类工作负载,包括数据库、应用程序、Java和中间件,特别是在云环境中。这个系统是基于SPARCM7处理器,第一个采用被Oracle称革命性技术的硅软件。
OracleSPARC t7 - 1服务器规格
•Thirty-twocore, 4.13 GHz SPARC M7 processor
•Up to256 threads per processor (up to 8 threads per core)
•Eightaccelerators per processor, each supporting four concurrent in-memory queryoperations with decompression
•Thirty-twoon-chip encryption instruction accelerators with direct nonprivileged supportfor 15 industry-standard cryptographic algorithms: AES, Camellia, CRC32c, DES,3DES, DH, DSA, ECC, MD5, RSA, SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512 (oneper core)
•Thirty-twofloating-point units per processor (one per core)
•Onerandom number generator (one per processor)
•Level1: 16 KB instruction and 16 KB data per core
•Level2: 256 KB L2 I$ per four cores, 256 KB L2 D$ per core pair
•Level3: 64 MB L3$ on chip系统配置
•SPARCT7-1 servers are always configured with a single SPARC M7 processor, notexpandable
•Sixteendual inline memory module (DIMM) slots per processor supporting half and fullypopulated memory configurations using 16, 32, or 64 GB DDR4 DIMMs
•SPARCV9 architecture, ECC protected
•Network:four 10 GbE (100 Mbps/1 Gbps/10 Gbps), full duplex only, auto-negotiating
•Disksand internal storage: one SAS-3 controller providing hardware RAID 0, 1, and1E/10 (ZFS file system provides higher levels of RAID)
•Expansionbus: six low-profile PCIe 3.0 (four x8 and two x16 or x8 wired) slots
orts:four external USB (two front USB 2.0 and two rear USB 3.0), one RJ45 serialmanagement port, console 10/100 network port, VGA port
•Up toeight 600 GB or 1,200 GB 2.5 in SAS-3 drives
•IntegratedDVD drive
•OPTionalinternal storage may be installed within the standard drive bays
400 GB SSD drives, maximum of eight
1.6 TB NVMe drives, maximum of four
•Twohot-swappable AC 1,000 W redundant (1 + 1) power supplies
•Voltage200 to 240 VAC, frequency 50/60 Hz
•Maximumoperating input current at 200 V AC: 6.3 A
•Maximumoperating input power at 200 V AC: 1,230 W
•Hot-plugdisk drives
•Redundant,hot-swappable power supplies and fans
•ExtendedECC, error correction, and parity checking
•DIMMsparing enabled with fully populated memory slots, increasing systemreliABIlity and uptime
•Easycomponent replacement
•Integrateddisk controller with RAID 0, 1 and 1E/10
•FaultManagement Architecture including Predictive Self Healing ― bothare features of Oracle Solaris
•Controldomain: Oracle Solaris 11.3 or later
•Thefollowing versions are supported within guest domains:
○OracleSolaris 11.3 or later
○OracleSolaris 10 1/13*
○OracleSolaris 10 8/11*
○OracleSolaris 10 9/10*
*Plus required patches
•OracleSolaris 11.3 or later, which includes Oracle VM Server for SPARC
•OracleSolaris ZFS (default file system)
Built-in,no-cost Oracle VM Server for SPARC provides the flexibility and power ofrunning multiple logical domains in a single server. Multiple Oracle SolarisZones may be run within a single Oracle VM Server for SPARC logical domain.